Stomach Hurts - Does Your Stomach Hurt After Eating Food?

Many times you feel like your stomach hurts or has pain after meals , or even all the time? If so, today I will reveal the three most common causes of chronic stomach pain and what you can do to begin to eliminate the factors that create this severe chronic stress in your life . 

First, you must realize that there is no drug that will never heal your stomach pain, at most, which can mask the symptoms while the real problem is getting worse. It's like putting a bandage on a severely infected wound , of course , does not look so bad, but still kills you.

3 main reasons why your stomach hurts all the time

Parasites: People often think that parasites of something that can not be obtained from a third world country or eating raw foods, but do you realize that a lot of raw fruits and vegetables can carry parasites. And they are all around you and simply touch the door handle wrong can mean an infection. 

Parasites can cause stomach pain that does not seem to leave because there are many forms of parasites that can actually live in the stomach lining . Often , these parasites can only exist when there is low production of stomach acid, is often a direct result of Candida overgrowth symptoms .

Bacteria: Many bacteria such as H. pylori can cause painful stomach ulcers . Doctors often prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs , when in fact they do nothing to destroy the bacteria. When an antibiotic is administered to kill the bacteria , creating a Candida overgrowth as a side effect . No drug is without any side effect.

Candida : This is a yeast that is a minimum of about 90% of the population. After the age of about 3-5 its estimated that 100 % of the population has candida in your body. However, this is not the problem , the problem is when something happens in your body that changes the natural functions of the body and thus allows Candida to invade the body at significant levels. 

This is a complete failure of the immune, digestive and nervous systems may occur. The symptoms experienced may be something like IBS digestive problems to depression and anxiety severe chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma , where about 95 % of asthmatics have been shown to have an overgrowth of Candida in their bodies.

The best way to start is to determine if you have Candida by candida test or questionnaire to determine if your current set of symptoms are isolated or connected directly to an overgrowth of Candida .

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