get stomach pain after eating ?

No one can survive without food . While the food is essential for food and energy , we sometimes have stomach pain after eating. There are several possible reasons for such pain. Overeating is a pattern. When we eat not only to satisfy our hunger , but to satisfy our cravings for food, you are more likely to overeat .

This common problem is usually accompanied by pain and stomach cramps abs . Some minor conditions may also be a direct result of the pain in the stomach. Serious problems can also be the cause of similar pain . Stomach cancer and chronic intestinal failure are serious diseases. These are conditions that require immediate medical attention.

Other causes of stomach pain

Food poisoning

Food poisoning is reported often cause stomach pain . It is usually accompanied by severe pain in the abdominal area after eating a meal. Food poisoning is caused by pathogens such as bacteria .

Food intolerance

One of the main causes of stomach pain is food intolerance. Food intolerance is usually precipitated by various allergic to certain types of food reactions. A common reaction of this type is lactose intolerance . Lactose intolerance is a condition in which one experiences stomach pain and bloating individual stomach after eating dairy products .


The main symptom of appendicitis is a sharp pain on the right side of the abdomen. Other symptoms that may indicate this condition include nausea , mild fever and vomiting. If you think you have appendicitis , it is imperative that you seek urgent medical attention.


Stomach pain may also occur due to the presence of gallstones. If you feel pain on the right side of the abdomen, then you probably have the stones. The pain usually extends into the systemic chest, upper right back and right shoulder .


This condition is characterized by severe stomach pain in my stomach that comes immediately after taking a heavy meal. Pain may also occur after approximately 6 to 12 hours after eating your heavy meal. The pain initially occurs in the upper abdomen and gradually extending to one side and the interior. Other symptoms that may be experienced include nausea , fever and heart rate accelerates

Pancreatitis can be identified by the time severe abdominal pain after taking a heavy meal. The pain may also come from six to twelve hours after a heavy meal. The pain usually starts around the upper abdomen and then progresses to the sides and rear. Fever, nausea and rapid heartbeat can also be felt .

Intestinal obstruction: A symptom of this disease is moderate pain in the stomach after meals . This may be accompanied by vomiting smelly stool. Other symptoms include watery or approval not completely.

Diverticulitis is characterized by pain in the lower left abdomen. This adds severe stomach cramps . This condition can be particularly painful after taking food.

Heartburn: This is one of stomach pains after meals the most common causes. Relief of heartburn fast can receive take antacid tablets . Drink milk can also provide some relief from heartburn.

Constipation often as bloating and stomach pain, especially after meals overt . This is usually followed by the experience of three or fewer bowel movements in a week. Last stool is often difficult. Eating foods that contain enough dietary fiber is one of the major causes of constipation. Minimum consumption of water during the day , also exposed to this condition.

Irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by a feeling of exhaustion after a meal . Sometimes abdominal pain known. This may be accompanied by swelling.

Stomach pain in stomach after eating can also be a direct result of drink fluids of any kind immediately after a meal . Soft drinks, juices, water and other drinks only after meals dilutes the digestive acids in the stomach. The appropriate concentration of acid in the stomach is healthy for your digestive system. Stomach acid helps kill fungus and harmful bacteria in food.

The dilution of stomach acids is reduced digestive capacity of the stomach. The food can not be divided and digestion is complicated . Your stomach is trying to expel the food as a result of surviving bacteria . This leads to stomach upset stomach hurts after eating . Diarrhea can also be accompanied by stomach pain .

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